Mr Eazi borrowed $10,000 to rent the 02 for his concert in London

Mr Eazi borrowed $10,000 to rent the 02 for his concert in London
Mr Eazi borrowed $10,000 to rent the 02 for his concert in London

Why was he borrowing? He had no money and noticed over 300k people were listening to his music in London monthly. He knew no matter what , at least 50k people will show up for him . Guess what ? It was a sold out .

This is the data Show Organizers use to invite you for a show .

Currently Kocee has over 200k people streaming his music on Spotify in Nigeria . This means even if he organizes a show of 10k people, it will be a sold out .

This is what many Cameroonians don’t understand. Show organizers track this information, it’s their business and thy have mastered and known how it works . They gather information to truly know where your music is highly streamed .

Imagine a show organizer in Nigeria checks your Spotify , Apple Music and other streaming platforms and you got no huge numbers , what is going to convince him that you’ll sell out a venue ?

Dear artistes , take a minute and check the number of people listening to you in that country that you want to be Invited there and paid millions .Show organizers are not promoters , they are out to make money .

About Amebo9ja 28185 Articles
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