Rema and Ayra Starr have a 360 Record deal with Marvin’s . Their Percentage remains same for 15 years

Rema and Ayra Starr have a 360 Record deal with Marvin’s . Their Percentage remains same for 15 years

Rema and Ayra Starr have a 360 Record deal with Marvin’s . Their Percentage remains same for 15 years

Young Artistes Cry Everyday to have A record Deal. A 360 record deal to any upcomer is always like a dream come true till after some time they start Fighting it. A 360 Record deal is signed between an Artiste and A record label. The record label takes care of everything concerning the Artiste and also benefit from every single thing the Artiste does. From sales of Music, Merchandize, concerts, Streams and all the Royalties made.

The advantage of this kind of deal is
The artiste benefits from the Support and all resources of a major Record label. Most Young Artistes don’t have enough Capital to Run their Career, with a 360 Record deal, the artiste benefits from this and everything needed for his career to Blossom.

The Disadvantage of a 360 Record deal is
The artiste is always forced to include the label in any Buisnes he does. The Artiste might want to sell Merch, the Record label must have a Share in it. Everything the Artiste does from selling music, Shows, Royalties made from Streaming Platforms, The Record label always gets the Lion Share. The Artistes can be making huge progress but nothing like his pay is increased. You are a Super star and still on a 30% Pay. At this level they start feeling like they are being exploited.
As time goes on, the Artiste Starts feeling bad and the next thing you see is the Artiste trying to Quit. A 360 deal never Favours an Artiste at the end. At the start you see it like its Paradise. It is a scheme put in place by Record labels to drain Artistes. Many Upcomers always fall for it because they are always desperate and need money for their Career. Once they hear this label wants to Invest 500 million on their Career they just go crazy but forgetting to know what the Record label stands to Gain.

To Balance this up , Guys always read the terms of every deal very well. If you don’t understand, kindly get to Someone and they better Explain.

If You are an Artiste and already own a buisness or making money from anything of yours please don’t include it on the deal. Get a lawyer who can help you or a Professional Music Buisness Agent. They will exclude it from the deal so you can always make some money without the company having a share in it.

A 360 Record Deal might only be better if You negotiate it well. Many Artistes who quit this major Record labels today signed 360 Record Deals.

We will always advise Upcomers to work hard. Sign only distribution deals.

Well,Rema and Ayra are still doing well, this only means they negotiated their deal well and Jazzy is a good boss .

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